It’s about not giving a crap and having fun! And this should be reflected in your outfit choice to any pride event. “Don’t feel like you need to try and fit in by wearing loud clothing” is all about being unapologetically your authentic self”, says Aidan Gardner, fashion and lifestyle blogger from Cumbria ( ) “It’s about bright, in your face colours. The best version of yourself and when you radiate confidence, good vibes and “For me, the best outfit for Pride is something you feel 100%Ĭonfident in because when you feel confident in it, you automatically become
“The best outfit is something you feel 100% confident in” Christian, UK-based grooming and lifestyle blogger ( ), the best Pride outfit is something you feelĬonfident in. PRIDE month is here and we’ve asked 5 fashion bloggers how to style and dress in the right outfit to make you shine bright while parading round and having crazy amounts of fun.